Anthony “Tony” Gaddi, MD, FPMRS

I added EnPlace to my prolapse repair ‘toolbox’ a few years agoto give my patients more treatment options. A common theme intoday’s medicine is the demand for minimally invasive optionsthat are safe, durable, and allow patients to return to their busylives quickly. EnPlace not only meets these needs but offers agame-changing alternative for patients using pessaries,eliminating the need for frequent office visits, and for those withcomorbidities who aren’t candidates for traditional surgery.

Grace Biggs, MD, FPMRS

It’s refreshing to be able to offer a durable surgical option that let’s a woman keep her uterus and resume normal activities within days, especially when the traditional gold standard for uterine prolapse has been hysterectomy. The short recovery due to minimal blood loss and minimal pain in an outpatient setting has revolutionized prolapse surgery for so many women. It has been so rewarding to offer EnPlace to women for the last few years and hear the amazing feedback from the patients during their post-op visits!

Sonya Ephraim, MD, FACOG, FPMRS

“I find most of my patients have so many options, but I can tailor the procedure to the patients’ goals.  For example, if a patient comes in saying, ” I am young, I have prolapse that is bothering me; however I have a job and I can’t afford to be off work for six to eight weeks”,  I can find a surgery solution that’s going to work to repair the prolapse and give her a shorter recovery. There are some wonderful new Hysteropexy procedures. The EnPlace System is a surgical option that allows for a much quicker recovery, less down time, less blood loss, less pain than traditional procedures. EnPlace is truly a solution that allows women to get back to normal everyday life quickly.”

Andrea Pezzella, MD, FPMRS, FACOG

“I have had the pleasure of being a part of EnPlace for a few years now, and being able to use the product has been a game changer in my practice. This has reduced my surgical time to do a uterine suspension. I’m setting these patients up so that they can go home the same day. I’m no sooner done with my second EnPlace procedure, and with my first EnPlace procedure I’m walking down the hallways and they are rolling her down to the discharge floor, so for me that has been one of the more remarkable things that I’ve noticed with my change in my practice.”

Vincent R. Lucente, MD

“I’ve been performing transvaginal, percutaneous hysteropexy, utilizing the EnPlace product for nearly 5 years in several hundred patients. These patients have enjoyed undergoing an extremely safe procedure with minimal discomfort as an outpatient returning to their normal living activities in approximately three days. It has been a transformational experience for both myself and my patients. It has evolved as my procedure of choice for any patient undergoing operative intervention for symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse.”